Everything ships free. Everything ships to you for the price listed on our site, nothing more except tax in some states. Due to the exceptionally high costs, we are only able to offer this service in the Lower 48. We currently do not ship outside the USA. We provide an estimated time before leaving the warehouse on every item. This is the time it takes for the item to be prepared and shipped. Once the order leaves the warehouse, please allow 1-10 business days for delivery depending on your location and the warehouse the item has shipped from. Most small items (less than 100 lbs) ship via FedEx or UPS. Large items ship with LTL (Less-Than-Truckload) common carriers. All deliveries are curbside unless otherwise stated. Liftgate service is extra. All shipments are FOB Origin. If you would like more information or if you require special arrangements for delivery, please contact us.